Rik Deitsch is the Chief Science Officer of Avini Health. He is also Chief Executive Officer of NutraPharma Corp, (nutrapharma.com), the owner of Pure Raw Supplies LLC and has served as the President of NDA Consulting Inc., a biotechnology research group that provided consulting services to the pharmaceutical industry.
NDA Consulting specialized in the research of peptides derived from Cone Snail venom, Cobra venom, and Gila Monster venom. Mr. Deitsch holds both a B.S. in Chemistry and an M.S. in Biochemistry from Florida Atlantic University and has conducted research for the Duke University Medical School Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Mr. Deitsch has been an adjunct professor and teaches several business courses for Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business and Continuing Education Department. He is the creator of the Zeolite industry and considered one of the top formulators in the nutritional field.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.